RAC was invited to make a presentation at the Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) International Symposium on Decommissioning, Reconstruction, Rehabilitation, and Food Safety: Rebuilding Post-Accident Confidence. The Symposium took place at the OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development) Headquarters in Paris, France, on Tuesday 26 March, 2019, in collaboration with co‑organizers: Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) and the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF), Japan. Naohiko Yokoshima, Director of the Export Promotion Division in the Food Industry Bureau of MAFF (pictured above), was one of the sponsors of the meeting and presented at the Symposium regarding the post-accident food-safety management status and national food-safety experience.
Helen A. Grogan, Ph.D., presented “Achieving Acceptable, Sustainable Land-Use Decisions.” She drew upon two examples from RAC’s work to discuss how acceptable and sustainable protection decisions were reached in non-reactor accident situations, taking stakeholder concerns into account. One described working with stakeholders to establish soil action levels for clean up of the Rocky Flats Site near Denver, Colorado, and the other described evaluating the health risks to the public and emergency responders associated with the Cerro Grande Fire burning across contaminated lands at the Los Alamos National Laboratory. Further details about the Symposium can be found at: http://www.oecd-nea.org/rp/webinars/2019/food-safety/